Rhode Island Latino Books Award

Promoting bilingual literature, illustrators and authors

In 2025, the Rhode Island Latino Books Award celebrates its ✶ Tenth Anniversary ✶

In the past ten years, we have become a model for other states as we continue to promote the love of reading among Latino young people through the celebration of Latino authors, illustrators and books that highlight Latino culture and Latin American identity.

Through this year-long celebration, RILA encourages librarians, teachers, educators and booksellers to promote books written by and for Latinos, and we encourage all Rhode Islanders to read books in both English and Spanish and written by Latino authors and illustrators.
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Thank you to the Rhode Island Center for the Books for providing copies of our selected books

For more information about the Rhode Island Latino Books Award and/or to participate, contact Jennifer McGrath, Chair of the Rhode Island Latino Books Award Committee. For information about Rhode Island Latino Arts, contact Marta V. Martínez, RILA'S Executive Director.
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Latino Books Award Committee Members 2024: Patty DeFrancesco, Maria Cotto (Chair), Alaina Moran, Gisele Esquivel, Jennifer McGrath
How do we select our books?
Rhode Island Latino Arts Executive Director and board members support the Rhode Island Latino Books Award (RILBA) Coordinator and the RILBA Committee Members, which includes Rhode Island educators, school librarians, public librarians, and paraprofessionals, who use specific selection criteria to create an annual list of nominated titles. The RILBA Committee is intentional in seeking books that affirm marginalized groups and champions stories and characters that reflect the lived experiences of Rhode Island Latino/Latina/Latinx young people, as well as the larger world. RILBA aims to provide a list of nominees that maintains diversity in race, gender, sexuality, family makeup, socioeconomic background and ability. Nominees are thoughtfully curated to allow all youth to be seen and their voices actively heard.

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