Rhode Island based

Latinx Artists | Public Arts • Murals


I am a LatinX Rhode Island public artist, native to “Providence Rhode Island” and “Provincia Hermana Mirabel Salcedo República Dominicana.“
I have been drawing my whole life and now have turned my drawing skills into paintings. Acrylic paint on walls and canvases has been my primary go-to passion recently. Although I have painted on many surfaces throughout my art career. The ability to absorb and feel the subject of the environment around where and what I will be painting has become a tradition within my creations. As well as all the conversations and feedback from those who spend most of their time around the art itself. In some cases, (not all) I tend to incorporate a figure that has a combination of resemblance to many who I believe may spend time around the artwork and it may resonate with them. Mostly those who, when they see my art, it puts a smile on their face or simply excites them during the time they spend around the painting.

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René Gómez

Dominican-born, multi-disciplinary pop artist Rene Gomez came with his family to Providence Rhode Island at age 4.
In 2015 Gomez made his first of many contributions to the Dominican parade with his tribute to Las Hermanas Mirabal. That year he also completed his first solo mural project inside South Providence La Broa' Pizza. Other public works include a contribution to curator Shey Rivera's Mi Gente Siempre Responde banner project, electrical box murals commissioned by The Avenue Concept, Rhode Island Latino Arts, and the City of Providence. That led to commission work to produce two murals for El Ninja Restaurant on Broad St. In 2022 he was selected to create a large asphalt street mural at the intersection of Daboll and Public St. in South Providence. In 2023 he was commissioned by Azul.Org to create a painting to be displayed at the Newport, R.I. Ocean Race. He also received the award for excellence in the Dominican Arts from The Dominican Independence and Heritage Committee of Rhode Island.

Click here to visit René's portfolio page

Tamara Díaz

I am a child/family therapist, and visual artist and I am fortunate to work primarily with RI’s Latino community.
My style of art could be considered Pop Art but its content is very emotional. It is like a visual journal and/or a story being told. My work does not fit easily into already established categories and as a result, some have described it as fantastical and metaphorical. Generally, I use symbolism to express two distinct visions: one that is grounded in the present and one that looks to the future. At the heart of my work is an underlying concern for the human condition and its tension with spirituality. While some of my pieces may seem utopian, a streak of realism runs through them. These tensions express themselves in my work through a free flow of themes and colors, secured by the strength of bold lines.

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Brichelle Luna

Brichelle Luna is a multi-disciplinary artist based in Providence, RI.
Luna founded Lunas Galleria where she creates murals that complement their surroundings and paintings that bring art to life. Perfecting her vision and craft with time, Luna started from small portraits to wall murals inside 5-star restaurants, family-owned businesses and popular spots where locals enjoy outdoor activities, events and waterfronts.

Click here to visit my personal portfolio page

Gabriel Rojas

I am a visual artist from Tulsa Oklahoma (born Argentina)
I and currently live in Providence, RI where I am a muralist and collaborator with local arts organizations that foreground indigenous and Latinx contemporary practices. Intuition, improvisation, and speed are some of the qualities that have translated from my mural practice and remain a vital component in my studio work which explores the relationship between memory processes and ritual through abstract painting.

Click here to visit my personal website

María Payano

I am a proud Latina, born in NYC to Dominican parents.
I am a strong believer that each of us can develop a negative, into a positive. I enjoy making people smile, and aim to brighten up someone’s day by planting good fruits everywhere I go. I hope my artwork empowers the community, and not forget the power is within YOU!

Most of my experience in large public projects is with chalk art. I have also created a mural installation in my home town of East Providence.

Click here to visit my portfolio page

Niko Tolentino

I was born in Rhode Island. My parents are from the Dominican Republic.
They instilled in me values of perseverance and growth. I use that along with some other things I’ve picked up along my way to create beauty.

When I work on murals I found I really enjoy working on large scale projects. The extra planning and considerations of working outdoors to create something the world will interact with is important and rewarding.

Click here to visit my personal website

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