A Call for Emerging Latinx Videographers

Creating the next generation of Latinx videographers

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LatinxCine is currently reviewing transcripts, audio and documents from RILA's award-winning Nuestras Raíces Oral History Collections and transforming sections into a series of short videos, to be released by December 2024.

To date, RILA's Executive Director and the LatinxCine Team have been focusing on the creation of a Trailer to introduce the subsequent documentaries. The Trailer will include images, video footage, voices and stories of the people who live or frequent places on Broad Street, South Providence. We are currently looking for emerging video-creatives to work on this project.

A Call for a Latinx Emerging Latinx Videographer is currently out. Deadline to submit is March 1, 2024

Read below for details

2024 Fellowship

LatinxCine is an initiative of Rhode Island Latino Arts. One of our goals with this initiative is to create the next generation of Latinx videographers by offering mentorships and a place to learn the basics of creating videos, editing, colorization, etc.

This is a Call for emerging Rhode Island-based videographers of Latino/Latinx heritage to submit applications for a paid Fellowship to work on Aquí Me Quedo, an ongoing video project coordinated by RILA.

Project: Aquí Me Quedo Short Videos
Stipend: $1,500
Application Deadline: March 1, 2024

This Fellowship will provide:

  • An opportunity to develop your skills as a visual storyteller.
  • An opportunity to work in an all-Latinx environment.
  • The ability to learn from Latinx professionals, artists, and other arts creatives.
  • The opportunity to learn more about Latino stories/history in Rhode Island.

Program Overview

  • Dates: April 1 - August 31, 2024
  • Location: Onsite with LatinxCine @RILA in and around South Providence with a focus on Broad Street, Providence and in and around the City of Central Falls.
  • Application Deadline: March 1, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: March 10, 2024
  • Stipend Paid to one participant (Fellow): $1,500

What we're looking for:

RILA is offering one Fellowship opportunity to an Emerging Latinx Videographer who is based in Rhode Island. We will help you strengthen your videography skills and you will be joining our Rhode Island based LatinxCine team. During this Fellowship, you will help with the creation of a video trailer (3-5 minutes) depicting the lives of people and businesses on Broad Street, working towards the creation of a 10-minute video about Latinos in Rhode Island. The Fellowship will take place from May to August 2024.

Artist Mentor

RILA is building and expanding its LatinxCine initiative by offering opportunities for one Latinx individual to work alongside and learn from RILA’s lead videographer, Alberto Genao. The selected Fellow will work under the guidance of Genao, an established cinematographer, who will act as an artist mentor and guide. You will strengthen your skills in filmmaking, while capturing and documenting events and activities at RILA and life in South Providence and Central Falls. All work will be done onsite, in person.


  • A serious dedicated interest in videography and/or some experience with a video camera or film editing, even if you are self-taught.
  • Between the ages of 16-28 of Latinx heritage; bilingual or knowledge of Spanish a plus.
  • Rhode Island resident or someone who has moved here and now calls Rhode Island their home
  • Interested in building a narrative through photography or film.
  • Pre-and-Post-production editing experiences a plus, but not required. You will have an opportunity to strengthen your skills.

Participant Responsibilities

  • You will have the opportunity to get involved with a project that documents stories in Rhode Island; you will contribute to a community-based video and public art project, and work behind the scenes with LatinxCine @RILA.
  • Through these opportunities, you will be able to develop creative skills, document stories in Rhode Island’s Latino neighborhoods, contribute towards a community-led video and public art project.
RILA receives partial funding from these organizations and supporters:
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