Live Stage Readings | Dec. 2024 The scriptwrighters
Lo Que da El Agua
Dustin Thomas

Antonio Teodoro

Odio y Orgullo

Live Stage Readings | Jan. 2024 Meet the scriptwrighters

Alberto Genao

Alexis Elisa Macedo

Gabriela Lopez Ruiz
Street Shine
Script written by Alberto GenaoThrough unexpected encounters, failed attempts, and comedic moments, "Street Shine" explores the challenges of fitting in, making a quick buck, and the consequences of chasing the illusion of success. The film takes us on a nostalgic journey, capturing the essence of life through the eyes of urban Latino youth.
La Superniña del Cilantro/The Super Cilantro Girl
Script adaptation by Alexis Elisa MacedoFollow the original story of campesino turned superhero as Esmeralda saves her family and friends from evil as "The Super Cilantro Girl / La Superniña del Ciltantro" in a theatrical adventure for all ages!
Donaji: A Mexican Adaptation
Script written by Gabriela López RuizFollow the legend, originally a dance piece… a love story about two people who simply could not be together & the sacrifices they had to make for their family. A story that explores a different kind of love.
About RILA's Latinx Playwrights Circle

The Latinx Bilingual Playwrights Circle @RILA is open to all Latinx playwrights and actors currently residing in Rhode Island.
The Playwrights Circle' @IRLA is a place to provide Latinx playwrights the opportunity to share scripts, receive feedback and advice from their peers and to see their works performed on stage. We encourage bilingual plays, but that is not a requirement.
The opportunity to submit is always open for original scripts, where you can receive feedback from theater makers and Latinx peers. We need at least two plays to schedule a reading. Who knows, your play may one day be selected for a future Teatro en El Verano performance! See you below to submit.
The Playwrights Circle' @IRLA is a place to provide Latinx playwrights the opportunity to share scripts, receive feedback and advice from their peers and to see their works performed on stage. We encourage bilingual plays, but that is not a requirement.
The opportunity to submit is always open for original scripts, where you can receive feedback from theater makers and Latinx peers. We need at least two plays to schedule a reading. Who knows, your play may one day be selected for a future Teatro en El Verano performance! See you below to submit.
Who can submit a play?
Anybody who is of Latin American and/or Caribbean heritage and currently lives or studies in Rhode Island.
How much does it cost to participate?
There is no cost to be involved in the Playwright's Circle.
Anybody who is of Latin American and/or Caribbean heritage and currently lives or studies in Rhode Island.
How much does it cost to participate?
There is no cost to be involved in the Playwright's Circle.
- Script Adaptations Guidelines [DEADLINE HAS PASSED]
- Adaptation Submission Criteria
- Your play must be an adaptation of an open domain story, book, or play. You may present your own, or select from one on our suggested list (see right 👉🏽) Please keep in mind if you select your own and it is not open domain you, will be disqualified.
- The play should be as family friendly as possible. (Minimal or no violence/intimacy).
- The play should overall aim to be maximum 1 hour and 45-minutes; it must not be longer, but it may be shorter.
- Deadline to submit: Friday, October 13, 2024
- The full play will be selected by October 28, 2024
- Reading will take place on Sunday, December 15, 2024 • 12 to 5pm
Suggested Titles Free Domain Stories
- Cinderella (Fairytale, comedic)
- Rapunzel (Fairytale, comedic)
- The Lion King (Fairytale,comedic)
- The Three Musketeers (Book, historical novel & adventure)
- The Importance of Being Ernest (Play, comedic)
- Alice In Wonderland (Fairytale, fantasy)
- Little Shop of Horrors (Musical, Comedic)
- Sherlock Holmes (Book/TV Series/Movie, Mystery/Detective)
- ★ Add your title here …
Here’s how it works:
Summarize your story and pitch 20-30 pages of a script. This can be the beginning, the middle, or the end… you pick whatever you think is strongest. Our review committee will read all submissions and pick four finalists who will be invited to submit their full length play.
If your piece makes it as a finalist, you will be invited to a reading at RILA where we will have actors read your full length play, along with the review committee.
After we have had readings for all four finalists, the committee will select the playwright.
What happens next?
We will work with you to finalize and prepare your script for consideration on stage for Teatro En El Verano 2024.
NOTE: The physical scripts become the property of Teatro del Pueblo@ RILA and will not be returned. In this case, “property” means the physical property, not the intellectual property or any rights to the play.
- Original Script Guidelines | DEADLINE HAS PASSED
Rhode Island Latino Arts | Teatro del Pueblo invites you to submit your original works.
RILA seeks scripts for an evening of short bilingual play readings to be performed at Trinity Repertory’s Chase Theater on Sunday, December 15, 2024. The selection committee will be looking to assemble a cohesive but diverse set of between 2-4 plays. Each chosen play will be assigned its own cast.Submission Criteria- Plays should run no more than 60 minutes, but they can be less than one hour.
- Cast size should be 2–5 actors. Scripts with one-actor plays may be considered.
- Teatro del Pueblo @RILA embraces diversity. Writers are encouraged to include roles for actors across a wide spectrum of race, gender expression, religion, age, body type, and ability.
- No improvisational, musical or straight dance pieces will be considered.
- Submissions are limited to one original play per person. NOTE: Adaptations may be considered. Please E-Mail us with questions about this.
Two ways to submit:- Fill out an Online Form (see button below) and upload your script to the form when you fill it out.
- Copy-and-paste the following information into an email and send your answers to along with a copy of your script.
- Do not include your name or contact information on the script itself. Scripts and playwrights will be tracked by Gabi Ruíz, the Teatro del Pueblo Programs Assistant. Each script will be read anonymously by the selection committee.
Email address:
Mailing address:
Short Bio: In 150 words or less; please tell us something about yourself and your history as a playwright, or other theatre experience.
Play title: If you don't have a title, write "pending" here.
Number of characters: Must be between two and five characters.
Plot synopsis: 250 words or less
Please attach your script to the email. We prefer a Word doc format (no PDF). * Do not include the text of the script in the body of the email.
Deadline for submissions: Friday, September 30, 2024
Questions? Please reach out to Gabriela Lopez Ruíz at:
RILA and Teatro del Pueblo | RI receive funding in part from the Rhode Island Foundation, the Dept. of Art, Culture + Tourism and the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts.
La Casa de Los Vejigantes | @Rhode Island Latino Arts

La Casa de Los Vejigantes @RILA is a flexible Black Box space, and now the home of Teatro Latino del Pueblo | Rhode Island. It is located on the premises, behind La Galería del Pueblo, 209 Central St., Central Falls, RI 02863

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